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St. Lazarus the Bishop, Feb. 11


St. Lazarus became Bishop of Milan in around 439. He is believed to have developed the Rogationtide litanies, and the First Council of Orleans approved the celebration of Rogationtide. At that time, the Ostrogoths were invading Italy, but Lazarus held up. He died on March 14, 450.


  1. I had no idea there was a St. Lazarus! I am not sure I would name a child that, although of course Lazarus in the Bible was obviously a great friend of Our Lord's.
    Thanks for this post -- keep up the good work!

    1. I didn't know until today, either! —John Paul

  2. I have been Catholic for 35 years and have never known anything about St. Lazarus the bishop! Thanks, John Paul! Also, two of my favorite words have to be 'Ostrogoths' and 'Visigoths'. :D

    1. He isn't that well-known of a saint, so I'm not surprised. —John Paul

  3. Would love to see another post explaining Rogationtide!

    1. My mom does have a book that has a section on Rogationtide, so I might blog on it another time. —John Paul

    2. Yes it would be great to see a post on Rogationtide

  4. This is the first I'm hearing of this Saint. Thanks for bringing him to my notice. St Lazarus, ora pro nobis! And keep up the good work, young man. 👍

    1. I'm glad you found it interesting! —John Paul

  5. Color me another person who never knew about this saint! Thank you for this narration. :)

    1. I'm glad more people are learning about him! —John Paul

  6. This was a wonderful thing to learn at lunch time. I've always wondered how the local bishops handled an invasion of Aryans after Rome collapsed and Constantinople was too busy with its own problems. Thank you for posting this.

  7. John Paul, this is so good! I had never heard of St. Lazarus and really enjoyed learning about him :)

  8. Awesome stuff, my friend.. thank you for sharing!

    1. You're welcome! Have you read my other blog posts? You should check them out! —John Paul


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