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Saint Vincent de Paul (1581-1660)

Vincent grew up a farmer's son, and he tended sheep when he was young. He wanted to be a priest, so Vincent studied, took up, and got ordained. His mission was to help the poor; he provided food and clothing for them. Tradition says that he was seized by pirates (while onboard a ship) and sold into slavery in North Africa! But he escaped (phew!) and made his way to Rome. He went back to France, and was appointed court chaplain to Queen Margaret of Valois. He is the patron saint of all charities.


  1. Thanks, John Paul! Can you tell me the dates of St. Vincent de Paul's birth and death?

    1. He says, "I don't know..." I suggested he research it. He asked me to look it up ;)

      He checked 3 different books and none of them said, how weird is that? So we used Wikipedia - April 24, 1581-September 27, 1660.

  2. Great job, John Paul!! Do you know anything about how he escaped from slavery? I bet that was very exciting.

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed your narration John Paul - I shared with Eloise (my oldest who is 7). She was excited to learn that St. Vincent de Paul lived in France. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Hi, John Paul. I loved your article. I am curious, why did you select St. Vincent De Paul to write about? Also, I was wondering why he was on the ship that was seized by the pirates, do you know?

  5. This is great, John Paul! I especially liked it that you told us his patronage. Will you write about more saints?

  6. Phew, I am SO relieved that he escaped!

    1. "The blog said 'phew!' I'm surprised that you didn't ask me a question." 😂😂😂 (I asked him if he was sure he really wanted to respond like that, since tone is hard to convey... He had just gotten used to answering questions from other commenters 😂)

    2. Thanks! St. Vincent de Paul was one of my favorite saints when I was growing up. I'm glad you reminded me about him.


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