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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

First snow of the year! Hopefully it'll stick...


Walking in a winter wonderland...

Frolicking in the snow

Surrrrrre having fun!

Walking on the ice with their "ice skates"... They're actually shoes!

Aw...Snow's melting! :-{


  1. What fun pictures! I especially like the one with the caption "Sure having fun!". Wish I could frame it!

    My students really enjoyed the snow, too, and we're all crossing our fingers for another snow day soon!

    1. Snow days are fun, I agree. Too bad the snow's melting back at our place! - John Paul

  2. I'm so glad you guys got some snow! John Paul, did you take those pictures with your camera? They're great!!

    1. Yes, I did take those pictures with my new camera. - John Paul

  3. Dear John Paul,
    My husband and I retired almost six years ago and moved to South Florida.
    (Look up West Palm Beach on a map.... we live 15 minutes from the airport.)
    Since it’s always warm and usually summer-like weather here year-round, we never see snow unless we fly to Maryland to visit our family. It’s 76 degrees here today. Thanks for posting the great photos. God bless!
    Love, Mrs. Murphy Dohn

    1. It would be nice to have warm weather, but I like the snow too. - John Paul

  4. Replies
    1. Haha! I used a bit of clever wordplay here. - John Paul

  5. John Paul, I’m so happy you got snow too! My sons played in our snow and made a giant snowball and then sledded. We still have a little bit yet. I love how you showed the fun you had in words and photos. Keep up the great blogging!

    1. We didn't really sled that much, but it's still fun playing in the snow! - John Paul

  6. Yay for snow! I'm glad you all enjoyed it! And I liked "snow-ccer" too. :-D

  7. Great photos, John Paul! I've really enjoyed your blog. If you want to check out my blog, go to Did you know that in a few months my family is going to move to the town you're living in? I can't wait to meet you! - Finn

    1. My grandma told me about you! I don't know where she got word, but I can't wait to spend time with you! —John Paul

  8. I like these pictures, John Paul. My granddaughter (14 months) loved walking in it and at one point started running and gave a great shout of joy. Looks like you enjoyed it as well.


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